Iran, the final frontier...nuclear frontier that is. I’m scared by Iran, who isn't? I live in the United States, sure the U.S is the greatest nation in the world, but we are not invincible. So, when a rogue nation like Iran, who believes and has called America the great Satan, is working on nuclear weapons we have to sit up and take notice. Iran has ballistic technology and the reactors, so it’s all just a matter of time until we have another fully nuclear country on our radar. It’s not a matter of “if” anymore it’s a matter of “when”, but how soon will they have them? Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced in April 2010 that, with sufficient foreign assistance, Iran’s longest range rockets could fly by 2015 which is five years earlier than originally projected by the White House. So, now the question comes down to what’s going to happen? We already know Israel’s stance on the issue, they will take any actions necessary to keep those weapons out of the hands of Iran. This means another bombing run over their nuclear plant; however, things are about to radically change.
This takes us to the real meat of the issue…Russia. What does Russia have to do with this? Well, Russia is the largest nuclear superpower in the world, but that’s not the problem. So far, there have been no signs that Russia has been selling Iran nuclear weapons, which means I don’t have to wet my pants. However, in 2007 Russia did sign an arms deal with Iran to sell them S-300 anti-aircraft missiles. On first glance this would seem like nothing but a way for Russia to get some coinage into their pockets, but this has far greater implications. The only way for Israel to destroy those Iranian power plants safely is by sending pilots over in jets. If Iran can implement these Missiles they will be able to successfully defend their plants from Israel. This means that Iran gets nuclear weapons without a struggle and I want to wet my pants again. However, thankfully the U.N did something right for once in their creation and noticed this problem. They immediately barred the weapons sells to Iran meaning they don’t get the S-300 anti-aircraft missiles after all. However, the fact still remains; Russia was trying to help Iran with their nuclear program by helping them protect it. This speaks allot for our Cold War enemy. While our administrations past and present are trying to pass all the “START” bills and “Reset” relations, Russia doesn’t really give a flip.
Iran is Russia’s buddy and we must keep that in mind in all of our foreign actions. We must be taking these issues more seriously. It’s time to get off the grey fence and take a side in the conflict. Iran is not our ally, Israel is. Stronger actions mean stronger effects and effects are exactly what we are lacking right now. If the mother Russia wants to help Iran, sure let them want to, but don’t let it happen. We cannot sit back and rely on the U.N to fix all of our problems, we must support those who support us or we will find ourselves in a much different world than we know today. Iran’s having a program does not just mean they have the weapons it means they can spread that technology to whoever they want to. A nation as dangerous as Iran cannot be trusted to keep these weapons to themselves. Russia is involved in this conflict, it’s growing and we must open our eyes to the problem.
“I had a safe trip to Russia…I got back” ~ Bob Hope
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